our other services
Alongside Early Intervention we offer outreach and other services to support you
What is Early Intervention?
Numerous research studies indicate that Early Intervention improves outcomes for children with Autism. These interventions lead to better communication, enhanced understanding, improved daily living skills and more appropriate social skills.
The value of early intervention programmes, especially in the home is well recognised. A focus on parenting skills and parent-child interactions during early infancy has demonstrated gains in the reduction of challenging behaviours.
Research indicates that for children experiencing a developmental delay, early intervention should begin as soon as possible. Even before a formal diagnosis has been made, very young children can benefit from interventions which focus on developing communication, language, interaction and play.
Because the nature of autism is so varied and different it is important to note that there is no single programme that will suit all children with autism and their families.
Our focus on home intervention is based on an eclectic mix of all the good practice, knowledge and understanding that we have gained through our extensive training and experience over the years. We have observed positive outcomes for many children and families that have implemented Early Intervention strategies.

Other Services
Outreach for parents
We can provide an extensive outreach package which can be customised to meet the needs of your child and family.
We have a flexible approach to working with parents and understand the demands of family life and work commitments.
If you have any questions or would like to know more please contact us to talk.
Additional services
Others way we can help
Call us for a 15 minute free consultation to discuss your concerns and see how we can support you with our various services.
Understanding the Assessment Process
We can support parents to navigate and understand the ASD assessment process, Education Health & Care Plans, selecting nurseries or schools as well as signpost to other services.
We can offer support on understanding of how Autism affects your child. Focusing on their social communication, play, behaviour and sensory perceptions by offering practical support and strategies.
Extended Families
Training, support and information for other family members and friends.
Often the extended family need information and advice on what a diagnosis of Autism means and how best to support the family.
School & Nursery Observations
We offer schools and nursery setting observations on request.
This can be for a number of purposes, to contribute to ongoing assessments, to identify triggers to children’s behaviours and to make recommendations.
We adapt our interventions to accommodate family life and have a flexible approach and a positive attitude.
Talk to us to learn more
You can call us, email us or use the button below to get in touch