For Parents & Families
We are here to support parents and families through their journey

how we work with you
25 years hands on experience of working directly with parents and children
Offering support, information and interventions in relation to children with social communication differences, Autism and developmental delay.
We use evidenced based approaches to shape a child’s communication, attention and behaviour to prepare them for their learning journey and developing independence.
Please contact us for a 15 minute free no obligation consultation to discuss your concerns and to see how we might be able to support you with our various services.
You and your home
We believe the evidence that ‘the best early interventions are in the home’ by working directly with parents.
Supporting Parenting
A focus on parenting skills and parent-child interactions during the early years has recognised positive outcomes in a child’s communication, interactions, attention and overall progress as well as the reduction of behaviours that challenge.
Always flexible
We adapt our interventions to accommodate family life and have a flexible approach and a positive attitude.
Developing communication
We provide support to help your child develop communication and speech in ways that work best for their needs. Below are some examples of how we do that.
- Providing strategies and support to use them
- Using of pictures/symbols as they develop speech
- Applying the right interaction styles required to develop communication with a child with social communication differences/ASC
- Techniques to support your child to understand your spoken language and their environment.

Developing Attention
We provide support to help your child develop communication and speech in ways that work best for their needs. Below are some examples of how we do that.
- Provide you with techniques to help your child to start to attend for learning and fun activities.
- We help with developing attention control by using evidenced based approaches including Attention Bucket, Visual supports, for example, Now and Next Boards, Choice Boards, Timetables and Timers, preparing your child to be ready to learn
- We offer advice/strategies to address issues that you child might have playing with you and peers.
- Support you to develop sharing and turn taking skills with your child, as well as extending their play routines.

Understanding and Managing Behaviour
We can offer support and strategies to alleviate and cope with behaviours that challenge. These include but are not limited to the list of examples below.
- We can offer support and strategies to alleviate and cope with behaviours that challenge.
- Help your child to follow an adult’s agenda.
- Cope with changes in daily routines, new people and settings.
- Toileting and supporting your child to be independent.
- Eating and/or Restricted Diets – setting realistic expectations to achieve improved eating patterns.
- Sleep support in establishing good bed-time routines.

Talk to us to learn more or book your consultation
You can call us, email us or use the button below to get in touch